Nov 21, 2005


a disco in the city, note signs, no discrimination and no drugs. I found this odd.

The Lorraine Motel, this is the balcony where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. It's a civil rights museum now with a lot of important information.


Anonymous said...

what beautiful pictures, mitchell.
why did you go to memphis? for the fun of it? business?
memphis shmemphis, will you ever visit maine? have you seen little carolina yet? i saw todd and leisa at halloween. todd has some grey hair!! i have had two grey hairs, one at age 30, and one at age 34, both are gone now. yesterday i turned 36. happy birthday it was, today is thanksgiving, i imagine you are with your parents? why was graceland a shithole? were you expecting montecello? christine looks beautiful, as always. did she wash her hands after holding the microphone? and how's trout? love that goofy doggy! that photo you posted of me on this blog was terrible- it accented all of my least attractive features! but, i'm honored you placed me on the blog mitchymitchymitchell. miss you!

Anonymous said...

i have many gray hairs. everywhere.
could you tell me where your 2 gray hairs have gone?
maybe i have them.

Mitchell Kramer said...

To Lynn - love the comments, sorry about the photo of you, I think its great and you look great.


To Anonymous,
um... good for you.